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This document explains about personal data when you use this website or join us for treatment.


GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, Is the regulation intended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the UK and EU. It aims to protect the fundamental right to privacy and the protection of personal data. On the 25th of May 2018 this regulation come into force in the UK upon the Data Protection Act of 1998.


The GDPR required that public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit information those we already held and take a data protection by design and default approach to data management protection.

Sense works in agreement with the new GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations.

At Sense customer trust, confidentiality and privacy is as much as work quality, is an absolute top priority. Therefore, I deep care about their privacy and data security.

I have worked hard to implemented the required adjustments to my services and documentation to ensure compliance with the GDPR making visitors to Sense site and customers get more control over their personal data and information that we may hold.


Sense is a registered member of the ICO. - Information Commissioner's Office and if you want to read more about it, the website is In case you are dissatisfied with the way we store your information you can talk direct to us or to them or call their help line 03031231113.


Sense website contains links to other websites.

This privacy policy only applies to Sense website. When you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.


About cookies:

We use cookies to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information e.g. how long visitors stay on our websites and pages they visited. This is use to compile statistical reports on website activity.

You can set your browser to do not accept or  "setting" instead of "accept" and manage some other privacy functions along or receive info on how to remove the cookies from your browser. However in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result.


SENSE Terms and conditions


By booking an online appointment,  you are accepting to receive an automated email confirmation and reminder to the email address that you have provided. You also accept in some occasions, consultation forms and other requests ahead of your visit.


Your email, phone number, name, age, gender and contact details maybe be recorded and stored online and/or when you come for your treatment. I will be stored in our database for a minimum of 6 years. You have a right to be informed about information and data we stored, right to access, object, restrict, rectify, or erasure your personal data at any time. The retaining of the data is necessary for contractual, legal or regulatory purposes. Your consultation sheets will be stored for the same time in a files storage in another room which is not the treatment room.

In some circumstances, we might need to retain your information for longer for example; taxes, legal or claims. purposes.


Information such as; full address, occupation and health conditions, date of birth, payments preferences and details etc. are considered sensitive and  It will be kept securely, on extra paper files the day you presented to your treatment, if and when needed.


Your information won't be shared with any other organisation apart from the ones you have choose to use when doing online payments or scan NHS QR code.  Most of these information are only used from us to follow the progress of your treatment,  including your visits date and/or for insurance purposes.


 A fee or £20 it will  be applied if you request a subject to information or SAR - Subject Access Request.

Finally, a consent form must be completed when you attend your appointment. This form is your Consultation form and on this form you will find a box to express your formal GDPR consent. This consent is NOT a consent to send you marketing or advertising, it is ONLY to keep the details that you wrote in the form.

If you would like to receive marketing information from us e.g. discount coupons, promotions, vouchers advertising and others,  you can mark the second box under your GDPR one. on your paper sheet.

Caroline Debtuch


© 2017 by Sense for body massage & treatments.                                        

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This is a serious professional business please, don't call us with unappropriated questions 

13 Mons Avenue, Baldock, Hertfordshire, SG7 6JP
01462 89 5333 or 07518 53 71 64
in partnership
Fully qualified therapist & fully insured.      ICO.  Registered.
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